Academic Project Delivered by Us:- (click here)

27/09/2013 18:18

Projects on Microcontroller-8051/AVR/PIC:

* Finger print Door locking.

*Tank controller with digital reading.

*PID temperature controller with Digital Temperatutre reading

*SMS based automation.

*Computer operated home automation.

*Any labview and DAQ projects.

*Line follower robot

*Avoid obstacle toy car

*Shadow follower robot

*LPG gas Detector ALARM

*Smoke/Fire Detector ALARM

*Car moving by Clappings 


Projects on C/C++/Unix:-

*Crickect Score Board Update using C 

*Metro Railway Reservation System using C

*ATM management system

*Hotel/Hospital Management system

*Office employee management & pay-roll preperation system, Chatting between clients 

*Hybrid Car System using Sockets in Unix

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